Summer Safety Tips for Pets
Tips to keep your pets safe when the heat turns up.
The temperatures are already rising here in North Texas and while the summer days are beautiful, we must take precautions when it comes to our pets. What may seem tolerable to us, may be unbearable or deadly to our fur babies.
- Keep their coats long.- This seems silly, right! Their hair is a natural protection from the sun and its helps them to properly maintain their body temperature.
- Don’t walk on hot cement – Walking your pooch during the summer months can be difficult but the best choice is to take them to a park or grassy area. If that is not an option, try to get your walk in early in the day before the sun heats up the concrete.
- Never leave a dog in a car. – Even on a cloudy day the temperature in your car can rise to 10-20 degrees hotter than the outside temp.
- Know the signs of heat exhaustion. – heavy panting, dry mouth, vomiting, and diarrhea. Cool your pet down with a cool wet rag and get to vet ASAP.
- Make sure to keep your AC on at home.
- Use a life jacket when boating.
- Never leave your dog unattended in a pool
- Properly secure your pet on the 4th of July – Pets can be quickly overwhelmed by the loud and consistent noise of fireworks
Patty to the Rescue wants to help you keep your pets safe during the hot summer months. If your pooch is in need of an early morning walk but you are unable to take because of work, contact Patty today! Dog walking in Arlington Tx is her speciality!